Wednesday, September 05, 2007


1. Who knew I sucked at online scrabble ?
2. I drink far too much caffeine for my own good.
3. Some days, work is just stressful.
4. Some days, cheesy hip hop is good for the soul.
5. Every day, Pink Berry is good for the soul.
6. Screw bikes getting flat tires. I want my car back.
7. Some days, it is good to talk to your besty on the phone. Even if she moved to St. Louis and talking to her is a constant reminder of that depressing fact.
8. Some days you just need to make lists.
9. TV shows I want to watch: Heroes, Project Runway Season 3, Friday Night Lights, Deadwood.
10. This isn't actually a list and it doesn't make much sense, but it makes me feel better, thank you.

*Not hot as hell today
*Coffee, blueberry museli, Proverbs 16
*The New Frontiers

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