Friday, September 05, 2008

1. Sorry, folks, Project Runway and Top Model won out over Mogwai. However, I believe this decision was due to sheer exhaustion, poor health, and the amount of energy Mogwai requires to watch (and adequately enjoy).

Which brings me to #2...I'm sick. My throat hates me. My stomach hates me (but that is normal these days). I don't like it.

3. I saw Battles last night. My oh my. They are a good band.

4. Tonight is Alela Diane, Langhorne Slim, and The Builders and the Butchers.

5. Tomorrow night is Ratatat (yeah!!!!), Fleet Foxes, and Menomena.

The moral of the story: Music Fest Nortwest is awesome. Being sick is not awesome. I'm gonna put my head down and power through.


Lauren said...

umm, so i don't know who any of those bands are but i hope i am still cool enough to hang out with

kt said...

Good decision. I, too, watched Top Model. However... I didn't have any other options. I guess I could have gambled or gone to a caberet or something. I thought of you the whole time... and thought about how someday, I can watch it with you in Portland Land. Cycle 100 probably :(

rebecca said...

I love Battels and Ratatat I can't stop listening to them. I'm jelous. We get to see Fleet Foxes in a month and for fun we will see Vampire Weekend this Wednessday.. yay STL! they get things half right.. no fuggin Battles or Ratatat though! FUG!