Monday, October 02, 2006

little blips

its been 3 months since I've smoked a cigarette.
Beck was slightly dissapointing.
Season 3 of LOST starts on Weds. I am stupidly excited.
Jamie got kicked out of the USA.
Linda arrived back in the USA today.
I've had to cancel multiple tours in the last few weeks. it makes me sick to my stomach.
I went to Sacramento last weekend.
Wine tasting with the 'rents at Apple Hill was just what my lil soul needed.
I found THE PERFECT PUMPKIN (you don't believe me? come to my house and see it).
I saw my friend from high school (Emily) and we realized we hadn't seen each other in 7 years. since I left high school. that made me feel old.
I want to ride bikes more often.
I want to buy a bike.
Got some good hits at the thrift stores this weekend.
I am VERY proud of my friends, the Cold War Kids (Cover of the OC Weekly this week, sold out show @ Detroit Bar).
I like having the CWK in Long Beach
I am going to start working with the Sound and Worship teams @ my church.
Beth Balmer is a newfound hero of mine.
I discovered how to get free music of myspace. revolutionary.
I got new jeans. not terribly excited about them.
I met some nice women who work in the music industry and we are going to have "women in the industry" dinner nights. no joke. it wasn't my idea.
I miss my family.
I drank 5 cups of coffee yesterday, simply because it was overcast.

Someone (a good friend) told me yesterday that my voice is their favorite voice to hear in the entire world.
And they meant it.
I think that's one of the nicer things someone has ever said to me.


Anonymous said...

I want to see your pumpkin, learn your seceret to free music and ride bikes with you.

Anonymous said...

that made me smile.
lists are fun.
probably my favorite.

ms. tea said...

i bought new jeans too! it was the first time in like 2 years. i want to see this perfect pumpkin and i totally have a bike!

Linna said...

it is good to read about your life in lists....better that i can talk to you on the phone at anytime (now that i am in the usa) and hear it all.
love you besty!