Saturday, October 14, 2006

the science of sleep (not the movie).

There are some days when the light at the end of the tunnel is very dim.
Other days, that light may shine brightly.
And, then, there are pockets of time -- months, weeks, etc -- where there is no light at all.
I think that now is one of those times.
For the last month, I've begun to hit snooze on my alarm clock. Just 7 more minutes of sleep, dammit! Never before have I been a "snooze" person. I've also started excercising, which supposedly makes one feel better, healthy, energetic, etc. I am going to have to disagree completely and say that exercise furthers my exhaustion.
I'm up to 4 cups of coffee a day or so. Never less than two.
I want to go to bed at 9 every night (tho, I never do. someone or something always coerces me against my better judgement to stay up way past my bedtime).
Danielle told me she's been feeling the same way. She went to a doctor and he told her to take vast amounds of Vitamin C, Vitamin B and an Immune booster. I'm a sucker of a daily dose of "Emergen-C" but apparently this is not enough to undo whatever it is I've 'done' to myself.

And on a day like today -- where I spent 12 hours of my day immersed in terrible pop music, schmoozing with the greats of the music biz, and selling discounted CD's to mindless children -- that I feel especially tired. And the tunnel feels especially long and dark.

And, as I dozed in Brandons car on the way home from the sad little city of Pomona, with the sweet sounds of Switchfoot (yes, Switchfoot) serenading my ears, I knew one thing to be true: sleep would come quickly to me tonight. And it will feel good.

But if I were a betting woman, I'd wager that my snooze button gets some love tomorrow morning. Because 7:30 comes awful early on a Sunday.

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