Tuesday, May 20, 2008

trunk doors, 'tinkerbell', & tacoma

My weekend was lovely. The sun was in full force in the Pacific Northwest, with temperatures as high as 90 degrees (!).

I attended Danielle's college graduation on Friday night; which was long and arduous (Sorry, sis. You were great...the graduation was a snooze fest). Dave and I played the role of supportive parents (while Krispin played the role of supportive husband), due the fact that my parents couldn't make it to the ceremony. They couldn't make it, because Danielle decided the day BEFORE graduation that she was going to walk. Go figure.

We traipsed out to Hillsboro for cherry limeades and fatty foods, although I went for the Straberry Limeade and Krispin tried the Cranberry Limeade. I think Cranberry wins.

Saturday morning, the whole fam brunched at the Bread & Ink. I am teaching my family the supreme importance of Saturday brunch. Thankfully, Portland is a brunch kind of town. My current favorites are the Cricket Cafe and the Waffle Window at Bread & Ink.

And Saturday afternoon I took a mini road trip to Tacoma. I went up for one night, to hang out with Kelly - as she was in town for her sister's graduation. Its only a 2 hour drive and Kelly is one of my dearest friends - AND my parents let me trade cars with them. I got to take the miata! Let me tell you, nothing sounded more glorious than a 2 hour drive in the sunshine in a snazzy little red convertible. I donned my cutest lil red sundress, borrowed some sunblock from a hippie in a gas station, and hit the road.

About 15 minutes into my drive, I realized it was a bit warmer than I expected. My dress was sticking to my back and my dress started to show signs of 'persperation'. I drank two bottles of water (which were really really warm by the end of the drive - like drinking hot tea! without the tea, of course), listened to the music loud, and dreampt of stopping for an iced americano.

I decided to hold out until the Tacoma area to get my iced americano. That way I could change my clothes, so as not to be a sweaty mess when I arrived at Kelly's parents house. I finally arrived at the blessed Starbucks (its Tacoma, I had no other options). I was indeed a mess. I got out of the car, embarassed of the state of my once-cute, now-soaking sundress. I went to the trunk to get out my change of clothes. I put the key in the lock, turned the key and the trunk opened - right as I pulled the key out and realized I only had HALF of a key. It broke in half! And the other half was still in the key hole.

If we're being really honest, this is the moment when a number of choice words flew through my infuriated little brain.

I bent over, in disbelief, to inspect the damage. The right strap on my sundress decided to diasattach itself from my dress. More choice words in my head. I go to the ignition, hoping and praying that the half key will magically start the car. I have no such luck.

I walk into Starbucks, bewildered and with a broken dress. Its 90+ degrees, but I put on a jacket to look (slightly) less disheveled. Thankfully, I had a change of clothes and Starbucks was delightfully airconditioned. I called the locksmith and was given the mind-blowing estimate of $200! Considering I'm not 'well-off' by any means, I did what any NORMAL person would do -- I paid Dave Reichle gas + food + friendship fees (equalling about $70) to drive the spare miata key up to me in Tacoma.

Kelly and her dad were kind enough to pick me up (I was 10 minutes from their place), take me to dinner, and Kelly and I lazed about and watched a Top Chef marathon. Dave and his friend Aaron showed up at 10 pm or so, handed me the key, and we went to celebrate at a local Mexican restaraunt. This resulted in one of the better nights I've had in ages. We sang karaoke with the crazy locals (large barefoot women in camoflauge and one man-ish looking lady with Lucille Ball makeup and a teal sweatsuit who went by "Tinkerbell" and only sang really slow Madonna songs), we danced, we ate food, we had a margarita.

Needless to say, it was good to see Kelly. I love that girl to bits. And, the drive home was much more pleasant due to cooler tempteratures. No back sweat!


kt said...

Sounds worth it! I would kill for such fun right now especially with you and kelly.

ms. tea said...

i feel you on the stress of the broken key. back at biola, the night of the gunman on campus, i had been locked up in the library for 5 hours when phil and cameron broke me out. we made a run for my car and were shielded by the swat team as we tried to make a getaway. i stuck the key in the lock and it broke off. instead of being able to go back to our apartments (or anywhere) we ended up having to sleep on the couches in the lobby of one of the dorms that wasn't evacuated or on lockdown.

chad said...

i know those words...