Friday, August 29, 2008

I made it.

*To all those who were concerened (or even if you weren't, I will tell you anyway): The parties went great. Thank you to all my friends who came and supported my endeavors, you really made them worthwhile. Thank you especially to Drew, and Sallie, and Paul - who made Monday night's show absolutely incredible. The performances were glorious, and I do believe this might have been the best show I've ever put on.

*The Avett Brothers show @ the zoo on Sunday was wet, and cold, and miserable. It was so cold that even the elephants were crying. I didn't know they could cry, but apparently they can. But now I feel like I've had my true inauguration into Portland life. I withstood the rain, with no umbrella or hood. I let the cold soak into my bones while grinning from ear to ear as the Avett boys serenaded me & a thousand other eager and soaking attendees. The Avett Brothers have long been a favorite of mine, and I will say that after having Seth (Avett) stay in my apartment for 2 days (he's an old college buddy of Jeremy's), I only love them all the more. Seth is a really great guy, and he came to the event on Monday and had nothing but great things to say about the whole night. So, that was awesome. And, as a musical recommendation: listen to the Avett Brothers Gleam EP (the Second One that was just released last month). The song, "Murder in the City" is quite possibly my favorite song of this year. Listen! Now!

*I apologize to anyone who saw me at the Parson Redheads show last night. I had some bizarre allergic reaction to my dinner, I broke out in hives, took some allergy meds, and then proceeded to feel like a crazy person. I made it through 3 or 4 songs of the Parsons and made Nich take me home, because I couldn't stand up on my own. It was nutty. But, I feel mostly ok today, just a lil groggy.

My grandparents are in town this week.
Charlie and Gena get married on Sunday!
I don't have to work on Monday.

These are three great things.
Here's to the close of a crazy week, and the start of a (hopefully) less crazy week.

1 comment:

J Piacentini said...

The party was awesome!!
The zoo was awesome!!
The allergic reaction (not so awesome)