Wednesday, August 06, 2008

on missing potatoes.

Well, here we are, well on our way into August. How did this happen? All I know is that this summer has flown by, its been a blur of activity and BBQs and somalis and new boyfriends and happiness.

Danielle and Krispin have finally returned, and my heart is happy that my family is back in the same state. They brought me an amazing assortment of Chinese goodies - panda chopsticks, the Office Season 4 (shhh...), communist propaganda matches, earrings, and the best journal I've ever seen. It has things about kitties and crackers and its in horrible Chinese-English that makes everything so darn quaint and hysterical.

I was in Boston for work for 5 days, and I must say I had a really great time. I ate good food, saw old friends, wandered about the city, picnicked in the Boston Commons, shopped at H&M, and drank Sam Adams. I also drank a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, just to see what all the fuss was about. I kid you not, in Boston, they consider Dunkin Donuts coffee to be high quality. I don't think Nich will ever forgive me for this coffee treason. I must say...while its NO Albina Press (how could it be?), it was better than tolerable. It was even...enjoyable? But don't tell anyone I said that.

And, today dawns the first full day of my 'anti-inflammatory' diet. I.E., today is the day where I stop eating and drinking anything remotely enjoyable. In an attempt to quell my never-ending tummy troubles, I'm going to take the advice of my Naturopath and give up gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, and a host of other 'normal' things (like potatoes, corn, tomatoes, etc). I've not had much in the way of coffee or sugar lately, so those two will actually be easy. Today, its potatoes I miss the most. And bread. I will miss bread dearly. So, veggies, fruits, brown rice, and fish will be my best friends for the next 4 weeks. Oh, and herbal teas! We cannot forget about them! I've had 3 cups already today...its going to be a long 4 weeks.

27 in 2 weeks.
Late twenties.

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