Monday, December 15, 2008

snow day!

It snowed a lot this weekend.
Which, as I've heard, is quite rare for Portland.
The high today was 26 degrees.

Its cold, its icy, its windy, its downright miserable outside. But I love, love love it.
My office was closed today due to ice and bad roads, which resulted in a whole lotta cooking, cleaning, eating, snuggling, drinking of red wine and coffee.

I've realized that the cold makes me crave comfort food (Yesterday I made pot roast. Tonight I made meat loaf - which was awesome. And just for the heck of it, Nich and I whipped up a butternut squash soup from squash that we had leftover from the Thanksgiving Organics box).

All in all, its been a lovely and snowy weekend. I'm on my couch, full of yummy meatloaf, snuggling with Nich (and Penelope when she feels inclined), watching the second season of 30 Rock.

I'm just going to pray that it snows like crazy again tonight and the next night and the next and then I will never have to go to work again. That's a good plan, right?

1 comment:

If they do said...

boy am i gonna miss you guys. i'll be back tho.