Monday, April 25, 2005

If you could see me now...

you would laugh.

1. I have shorter shorts on than my 70's roller disco get-up. and they are pink. and I have a green velour short sleeved hoodie on.
2. I have a clear plastic retainer in my mouth, which is filled with some god-awful tasting teeth whitening concoction.
3. I am frantically cutting and pasting addresses into Mapquest to find zip codes for Corban and Cat Bag. (I never knew that Ho Ho Kus, New Jersey existed. NOW I DO. To think on all I've been missing out on...)

But, on a very positive note: I am listening to a duet by Johnny Cash and Tom Petty, "The Running Kind". And I got out of the apartment today and had human contact. A lovely lunch with Dave Reichle at the Aroma Cafe (amazing. it's in the valley, but you all must go). And, according to Dave, a cute male sitting two tables over 'checked me out'. I wasn't wearing the pink shorts/velour combo then. But, had I been -- I'm sure he would have checked that action out. so hot.


rebecca said...

i can just picture you.. because what you described is an all to typical outfit for the two of us in the apartment... but you where matching, wtf?

ms. tea said...

i never knew about ho ho kus NJ, but i think ho ho ken was mentioned in a sex and the city episode one time.

dont you have to have your passport with you to go to the valley?

lindsay anne said...

I believe that Hoboken. also a zipcode I had to look up.

ms. tea said...

ah yes. probably right.

whats with all the hoho's in new jersey?