Wednesday, September 21, 2005


the last place I wanted to be last night was the Spider Club for a Supercreep CD release party.
I don't like the band.
I don't like the album.
The guys at the Supercreep record label are insufferable.
Kevin cancelled on going.
My sisters were watching the Arcade Fire in Oregon.

and I can't say that last night was amazing, or even fun, by any stretch of the imagination...
but it was worthwhile.
a bunch of really silly things (open bar + linda + ex boyfriends + drunk marriage proposals from strangers + cinespace + paul) added up to what seemed like a pointless Los Angeles extravaganza.

but on the drive home, I got in a fight with linda. we were both yelling and it all seemed horribly exhausting and pointless. paul (my friend from work) was in the backseat. he occasionally added his thoughts.

but today, I drove paul to work. and he told me that he liked listening to the conversation last night. in fact, he told me that his faith in christianity was restored. his words were "You said really good things. In fact, I think you sparked my faith."

things like this rarely happen to me (if ever).
the Lord certainly does move in mysterious ways.
and here I thought that last night was a bust.
needless to say, we had a great conversation all the wa to work today.
I like that.


Matt Pool said...

is supercreep really what a band calls themselves?

KMOB said...

praise the lord!
oh yeah, and pass the amunition...

KAMN! said...

i know a few supercreeps.