Tuesday, August 29, 2006

ug, I feel sick to my stomach.
I have a chance to get pre-sale Bob Dylan tickets tomorrow morning.
Somehow I feel this is my last chance to see him.
But I said no.
Because they are $90.
Not only can I not justify it, I just don't have it (money).
ug ug ug ug ug ug ug

Why Bob?
Why do you have such inflated ticket prices?

On a positive note: I am eating Honey BBQ Fritos and they have to be one of the most delicious mid-afternoon snacks imaginable. Full of awful things (and MSG!) but I'm not afraid.


shawnalyne said...

You'd better not call me complaining about tummy aches tomorrow . . .

ms. tea said...

instead of going to see bob dylan you could just pay me $1 to plug my nose and sing. it would sure save you a lot of money and heartache.

i know i know. heresy.

Sycz said...
