Monday, February 12, 2007

Prone to Wander.

"Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.
Prone to leave the God I love.
Here's my heart, Lord.
Take and seal it.
Seal it for Thy courts above. "

A lot of sleep, watching The Science of Sleep (for the first time) a fantastic sermon about rest, and making valentines with old people. This weekend was just what the doctor ordered.

Saturday afternoon, Brandon and I went to a convalescent hospital for a Valentines Party our church was throwing. I ended up at a table with a few people, but one woman - Anita - got my attention. She's a spunky African-American woman who has seen a lot of things in her day. Whenever I'd talk to someone else, she'd protest "EARTH TO LINDSAY" and ask me to get her more punch or cookies.

My favorite Anita moment was when Brandon disappeared from the room.
I wondered out loud "Hm, I wonder where Brandon went?"
Anita said "Honey, I was here before Brandon was here. I'll be here after Brandon's gone. So, it don't matter, does it?"

Amazing. And she had a darn good point.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well.


mexicandyce said...

wow. this reminds me so much of my days at miramont. except, my old people were certifiably insane.
i hope you get to do this often. its good for the soul.

danielle said...

isn't the science of sleep wonderful? it makes me envious of michel gondry's [sic] dreams.