Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tell me the story of how you ended up here.

I would like to make mention on a few 'goings ons' in life.

1. Linda left for South Africa on Wednesday. She will be gone a total of 18 months (insanity!) and I will miss her dearly. I am so proud of her and so happy that she is choosing to serve the Lord in Africa. I hope that I'll be able to save enough money to visit her -- because 18 months without Linda in my life is FAR too long. If you would like to hear about her adventures in Africa, you can read them right here.

2. For Lent, I gave up alcohol and men. I'm not sure which will be more difficult?

3. Brittney Spears went crazy. Weird. (but not really that weird)

4. I threw out my back doing while jumping in the air for a silly photograph. Really, its hard to move right now. I feel like an old woman, for crying out loud.

5. I saw Cold War Kids last night at a Myspace secret show with Clipse. It was a weird venue, weird environment, and there were myriads of stupid drunk people. However, the boys sounded (and looked) great. And, being one of the few sober people in the place (thanks to Lent) I must say, I had a lot of fun watching people make total idiots of themselves.

1 comment:

shawnalyne said...

I decided to give up anxiety for Lent. It's different from fear, I hope you know.