Tuesday, January 10, 2006

note to self

The Old Spaghetti Warehouse is not the same as the Old Spaghetti Factory.

The latter is a nice - yet kitchy - family style Italian dining experience.

The Warehouse, however, is not quite that. The Old Spaghetti warehouse is Salem, Oregon's pathetic mock-up of the much nicer chain establishment. Think cafteria dining - meets dime store decor - meets t-shirts sloaganeering such phrases as "In Pasta We Trust".

Danielle and I drove down to Salem today to take our youngest sister, Candyce, out for her birthday dinner. We braved the elements (there is quite a storm) in order to take her out for a Spaghetti dinner -- her personal favorite.

Unfortunately for all parties involved, the replacement of the word "factory" with the word "warehouse" made a big difference. We were greeted with uncomfortable bright lighting, an oversized and ugly dining room, and a few scattered tables made with bed frames (not the S. Factory lavish Italian looking bed frames - these were more the type that had belonged to Ma and Pa Kettle.)

I would like to tell you that the prices were good. They were fair at best.
I would like to tell you that the food was good. It was, in fact, terrible.
I would like to tell you that I had a great time. Nonetheless, I did have a good time.

Its good to have sisters who will giggle about birthday dinner fiasco's with you all the ride home.


Linna said...

ha ha....totally been there.
I think it has been 5 years or so but it wasn't what I hoped it to be either.....oh the joys of living in Salem, OR. I feel for your sisters

danielle said...

you forgot to mention the bathroom doors that didn't lock.
blog-idea stealer.