Friday, January 06, 2006

two by two

The Daves.
they call me every day and are the best listeners I know. and they really love me and believe in me and have neverending delightful things to say. they also hate that I compare them to each other. they don't have much in common - but they are the most constant sources of communication in my life. I love the Daves.

The Matts.
My sister has her own set of Matts (hers are Matt B's. Mine are Matt M's).
My Matts do not have much in common at all. The one thing that is true about the Matts is that they constantly baffle me. I don't think I will ever figure either one of them out. I have spent more time worrying over the Matts perceptions of me than most other people. For some reason, I love them both dearly and they love me occasionally. And they have the strangest way of showing it.

The Erics (Trine, Trickett, Tobin)
All good looking, relatively charming, dark haired, pompous little boys: the whole lot of 'em. The first two have been nothing but a rollercoaster. The third -- well, I don't really know him yet so he doesn't count. But if he's anything like the others (and he probably is) then I am steering clear. Erics are trouble.

The Phils.
I have PHIL tattooed on my back (its short for Phillipians). I like my tattoo, but I do not like Phils. Too many years of twenty something (and teenage) angst spent on the Phils. You are no good.

And then there's Drew.
And there is only one of him.
And he is an anomaly to me.


KMOB said...

how did i not make the fucking matt's? i demand a recount!

ms. tea said...

yeah and dont forget, not all phils are bad

Do you remember when I said...

And what about the Jeremy's? They're all "bad"... "ass".

lindsay anne said...

no, you're not matt. you're O'brien. and plus, I couldn't lump you in with them. you're better than that. :-)

and yes, not all phils are bad. just my phils.

and uh jeremys are pretty cool too, I guess.

Linna said...

talk about repetative rotation....uggh