Friday, June 09, 2006

fridays are for surveys. or something like that.

FiRST real best friend: Laura Steel, followed by Abbie Roe.

FiRST school: if you count pre-school, then that. Otherwise, it was Forest Lake Christian High Scool (yes, I was homeschooled itll high school).

FiRST funeral: My brother's. But I don't remember it.

FiRST pet: Bruce Springsteen (the cat) or Chelsea (a big black dog)

FiRST big trip: When my family (and I) moved to Alaska when I was 8.

FiRST flight : same as above? or maybe to Orlando/Disneyworld when I was 7?

FiRST celebrity crush: Zach Morris

FiRST time out of the country?: Mexico when I was 8 (with my dad and his church youth group).

FiRST job: American Express Financial Advisors. I filed things. (I started babysitting when I was 9, however)

FiRST myspace friend: Other than tom? Careen / Drew.

Now everyone has had their LASTS

LAST person you hugged: Becca. for her 25th birthday.

LAST car ride: to work

LAST time you cried?: after I hung up the phone with a boy couple weeks ago.

LAST movie you watched: Everything is Illuminated

LAST food you ate: apples n peanut butter

LAST item you bought: gasoline for my car. ick.

LAST shirt worn: um the Dysinger Dragon sweatshirt I am wearing now?

LAST phone call: Josh from the Midwest Music Summit

LAST text message: Erica, about the shower tonight.

LAST thing you touched: my cell phone

LAST funeral: I honestly can't remember. its been a long time.

LAST time at the mall: The main place mall the other day for Mongolian BBQ. but no shopping was involved.

LAST time you were excited for something: I am excited to go dancing tomorrow night! woot!

LAST person you saw: amanda and kristin, before we went to bed last night.

LAST thing you drank: Airborne

LAST person who broke your heart: same person who made me cry on the phone.

LAST time you were honestly happy?: right now. (my myself with a cup of coffee, its raining outside, and I am listening to sigur ros).

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