Thursday, June 07, 2007

Things they don't tell you when you get Hep A, Polio, Yellowfever, and Typhoid shots:

You will feel awful, achy, terrible, sore throaty, and like someone took a baseball bat to your head, face and arms. Thank you, I'd rather just contract Yellowfever than take that shot again. (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating?)

The good news, is, that a Cat, by the name of Mr. Lee is a rather good photographer.

Check out his adventures here:


Anonymous said...

Mr. Lee is the best cat ever? That was amazing and much needed, thank you. Hope your shots stop being shoty.

mexicandyce said...

the thing is, i definitely just got those shots too, and they definitely told me i would experience similar side-effects. however, i didnt. just achy arms. looks like i got the good immune system of the family huh? anyhow, i still cant believe we are both going there at different times.