Sunday, January 06, 2008


So I have a LA Clippers hookup all of the sudden ?

I got 4 floor tickets for the game today (vs. The San Antonio Spurs) and it was SO MUCH FUN!

I don't know what is happening to me, I sort of enjoy sports?

But only sortof. Mostly I like the hot dogs and the nachos and the heckling and the glitz and glamor. The sports is only secondary.

So, uh, GO CLIPPERS ! ? !


Bradley Ankrom said...

any post with a sports tag must include a jpeg of the christmas card. it's the law, dear.

Anonymous said...

i found this link in my bookmarks.
i'll be a better friend when you move and read this regularly.
in the meantime, the "clippers" photo just made me laugh out loud.
that could be because it's 2:09am and I've watched 5 episodes of season 3 and now I'm starting on Season 1 - 5 deep. I can blame/thank you for this Lost addiction.