Sunday, October 16, 2005

2 nuggets of unrelated information.

1. I take absolute and sheer delight in being the person who gets to use the very last toilet seat cover left in a bathroom stall. I figure you have a 1 in 200 chance or so of being the person who gets to use the VERY LAST toilet seat cover, and so when it actually happens (I can remember it happening all of 3 times) I am quite enthusiastic. nevermind the next person in line who is now seat cover-less -- I was the lucky stiff who got the last one.

2. When I was a freshman in high school I joined in the magazine subscription selling extravaganza. I am not sure what the whole point of the ordeal was, but I was selling magazing subscriptions to friends and neighbors and my high school was somehow benefitting from this. I was a nerd and I didn't know any better so I sold those things like crazy. There were prizes involved and I wanted to win the grand prize. I don't remember if I actually won the grand prize, but I did place in the top 3 or so, and apparently this merited a real PRIZE. they picked the three winners up in a limo and shuttled us off campus for free lunch. the best part is, they took us to Sizzler. I think I am one of the few human beings on earth who has arrived at Sizzler in a limo.

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