Monday, October 17, 2005

to kelly!

I must say, I cannot go to bed before I confess that this is the best weekend I've had in a long time.

*the good foot (70's funk dancing) with good friends
*cards and thai food
*kate's bridal shower
*vintage store uber sale (4 vintage dresses, 1 skirt, 4 shirts, 1 belt for $32)
*new beverly - good friends, good film
*cafe 101
*the OC and Ali G.
*brownies and coffee

and, to top it all off, I sat in front of Tiffany Amber Thiesen at church today. I have no doubt that it was her. so, here's to you Kelly Kapowski. Your dance with Zack out in front of your house when your parents wouldn't let you go to prom was a defining moment in my young life.


Anonymous said...

remember when the big tragedy was the fact that kelly was poor? and she was like too embaressed to tell zach and everything and wanted to break up? man, i remember that we felt so bad for her . . . we ate our generic cereal in our modular on saturday mornings and grieved for kelly.. . . and the irony of the situation was that she was 5 times richer than we were.

ms. tea said...

equally fanstastic weekend. my deals were: 3 dresses, 2 skirts, 2 sweaters, 2 blouses, 3 tee shirts all for $37. not bad.

when i get home from work i will raise my glass of wine (i have one every night, didnt you know, that means i'm an alcoholic...or an italian. i can never remember which) to kelly kapowski

Angie's Angle said...

omg you sat in front of Tiffany? Wow, that just is the top of the cherry of the whole weekend. Good for you!

Matt Pool said...

i can't even think about kelly anymore, or it will dig up emotions long burried.