Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Home is where the Hosty hangs her hat.

The new apartment is official. We get the keys this weekend!

For the first time in my adult life I will have my own room (except for brief stays at my parents house or the dorms). I honestly can't believe I have shared for this long. I am going on TWENTY FIVE years old, for crying out loud. But, thankfully my time has come. I have a room.

There was a small dilemma as to which room I should take. The master bedroom was tempting, but is more expensive. Personally, I'd rather save a few bucks a month than have the luxury of my own bathroom. Plus, getting my own room AND bathroom at once might be terribly overwhelming. So, now, Kristin and I are left to choose which of the 'regular' bedrooms we want. Mind you, both bedrooms are enormous. The furniture I currently own is enough to fill half of a room, so it will be interesting too how dwarved my things look in the new, BIG, room.

Here's the low down on the rooms: they are equal in size, shape, closet space, etc. However, one room is located in the back of the apartment and one room is directly off of the front room/living room. My heart (and my sleep patterns) are drawn towards the back bedroom, as I am a light sleeper.

But (and this is where YOU, the reader come in) - this is my question. As I am the notorious "hosty" (i.e. entertainer of bands, vagabonds, dinner parties, et al.), should I just bite the bullet and take the front room? This seems to make the most sense. I can't imagine Kristin having over loud and obnoxious late night guests, whereas I seem to make a habit of it. I suppose I should deal with the occasional late night revelry from Kristin and Amanda - knowing that I will most likely be the one to have frequent visitors.

Maybe I have answered my question already?

I think the front bedroom is exchangable for the peace of mind I will receive in having Kristin and Amanda sleep soundly in the back bedrooms next time Sherwood (or Careen, or Man Alive, etc etc) comes to town.


shawnalyne said...

You need your sleep. Take the back room. They can wear ear plugs.

rebecca said...

well I'm going to have to disagree w/ your mum... as a former roommate I think you should take the front.. you will be up the latest anyway, you are as you say the hosty!

Linna said...

I have lived with you for many a year
your sleep is light ....WHEN YOU GO TO BED
meaning take the front you are always the last in bed...especially when you have peeps over. I didn't realize becca just wrote the same thing.

not to mention....i took the top bunk for how many years? it is time you take the front room.

I think you know what you need to do.

Do you remember when I said...

Linds - Don't move in.

Matt Pool said...

take the front room because i am going to come over every night and stay up late and be really loud!

KAMN! said...

FRONT ROOM! totallllleeee