Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm lost without him.

my my my. what a clever play on words we have here.
you see, tonight is is Season Finale of LOST.
tonight, I have to part with my dear jack Shepard for awhile.
yes, i know he can be hot headed and irrational and sometimes he's downright terrible.
but I still love him.
all you Locke-lovers can continue on being 'men of faith'.
but, as for me -- I'll stick with my man of science. I strangely find myself identifying with him and his Saviour complex.
does that make me completely nuts?
all of that aside...
two hours of quality television programming: HERE I COME.


danielle said...

so how was the finale? i have this theory that lost is really just a satire of reality shows in general.

lindsay anne said...

hm, what a theory you have, sister. tooo bad its WRONG.

the season finale left more questions than answered them.


Lo said...

chasing after the wind.

ms. tea said...

i heard jack dies in the pilot.

ps. i am not a locke lover, it is only sayid for me