Friday, April 20, 2007

An Interesting Read.

I'll post the first paragraph (which is prob my favorite) but I encourage you all to go to the following link to read the whole thing. Its a rather interesting take on the reaction to the Virginia Tech shootings.


Cold Standard
Virginia Tech and the heartlessness of our media and therapy culture.

Friday, April 20, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT

I saw an old friend on the Acela on the way to Washington, and he told me of the glum, grim faces at the station he'd left, all the commuters with newspapers in their hands and under their arms. This was the day after Virginia Tech. We talked about what was different this time, in this tragedy. I told him I felt people were stricken because they weren't stricken. When Columbine happened, it was weird and terrible, and now there have been some incidents since, and now it's not weird anymore. And that is what's so terrible. It's the difference between "That doesn't happen!" and "That happens."


(read the rest at the link I posted)

1 comment:

Lo said...

when you move here, will you please be my friend?