Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pleasant Discovery of the Day!

Trader Joe's Mediterranean Hummus (complete with olive oil, pine nuts, etc on top) is the real deal. Or the bees knees, whichever you prefer.

For years, I've relegated myself to the Spicy Hummus, with the occasional Cilantro Jalapeno Hummus.

But no more!

This is the best store-bought hummus money can buy. You are probably all in the know and I am light years behind, but I had to share my discovery.

P.S. Yes mom, my posts are random. Its because I dont have the mental prowess to actually write about things that matter. Well, most of the time.

P.S.S. You can call me "Lindsay The Red". Why? I have red hair. 'Nuff said.


KAMN! said...

actually, the best store-bought hummus is the plain hummus from the lebanese market on 3rd & linden. just so you know.

rosie said...

I'm going against the grain on this one: i don't like trader joes hummus. it's too runny...i want firm, manly hummus.