Saturday, March 08, 2008


Well, I suppose Chad is right. I haven't really written anything in a long time.

Granted, most of my "writing" has been directed here lately...

But here is the latest and greatest with me and my Northwest adventure...

It looks like I'll be working part time for a freight and shipping company, just for now, to pay the bills. I don't really like the idea (that's my pride talking), but hey, I'm broke and this is a job. Beggars can't be choosers I suppose.

On the upside, I am starting to write reviews for a blog and I've been writing bios for bands on the side (if you know anyone that needs a bio written, send them to me!) - so I don't feel like I've totally thrown it all to the wind. I know I'll be quite involved in music here, it just might take a minute. For now, I just need cash.

I attempted karaoke last night, and it was depressing. Its just not the ole Prospector.

I have more friends here than I remembered -- it seems I've been out every night, which works out well when you're a social butterfly like me. I've gotten really creative with how to go out without spending ANY money - for example, last night I ate a bag of potato chips for dinner. ugh.

The positives would be as follows:
- Penelope is adjusting marvelously, and my mom LOVES her and spoils her to bits.
- Free food! My mom and I went on a Trader Joe's shopping spree and I got to pick out all the food and she paid for it all. It ruled!
- The city of Portland. The bridges, the buildings, the coffee, the bookstores. I love love love love the look and feel of this city.
-Free shows. I still don't pay to get into shows here. So far I've seen The XYZ Affair and British Sea Power, Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, and Angels and Airwaves. I am NOT proud of the last show, but I had a bunch of friends in town from LA/NY as they had bands on the tour.
-Absolute total coffee insanity. I thought I drank too much coffee before, and now its just worse. And I love it!
- WAY cheaper car insurance

There are many, many other positives. But those are the ones that stand out at the moment. All in all, so far all is good. I'm curious to see what will happen next.

Fun fact about Portland: I learned that Baristas are a BIG deal in Portland. In fact, I was told that Barsitas are more well known than rock stars in this town. There's this one guy named Billy and apparently he's a big deal. Weird.


ms. tea said...

you are going to make me cry in the i-never-lived-in-the=northwest-but-deep-down-i-know-its-my-home sort of way.

rosie said...

i read it! i love it! i'm a believer (of you and P-town)!