Thursday, October 16, 2008

random spatterings

It is as if a part of me has died.
PROJ RUN (Project Runway, for you long-handers) is over.
I must say, I was conflicted about the winner. I would have been happy with anyone but that one bratty girl (I wont say her name, lest I be called a spoiler...) but there was one collection that stood out to me, and that collection did not win.

If you want to take a little look-see, the 3 final collections are HERE (Courtesy of Blogging Project Runway).

There are probably other more interesting and personal things I could talk about but its 7:40 am and my iced coffee hasn't kicked in yet, and frankly...I'm exhausted.

Also, is it just me or were the albums released thus far in 2008 a bit lackluster? I can't think of much that really got me excited about music. Am I forgetting some glorious album from earlier this year? What's been great in OH-EIGHT?

Oh, and I'm going to be her for Halloween.


Anonymous said...

as for good tunes, a little lable called stunned has released some great jams this year. also your friends in Magic Lantern have put out some killer sounds.

kt said...

I want to be a Popple!

rosie said...

Hilarious Halloween idea. I think I'm going to be Richard Nixon. I say that every year though. I am conflicted about P.R. as well. A bit of a let down maybe? Eh..there's always next season.

Lauren said...

don't be offended if i hate you all night when you are dressed up as satan, herself!