Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A September Mix.

So I am part of a CD Mix Club that some of the boys in Sherwood started.

The rules are pretty simple. There are two groups of 12 people and each person is assigned a month. When it is your month, you must create a mix of your liking, create original artwork, and send it to the 12 people in your group. For the rest of the months in a year, you can sit back and relax...and wait for someone else to send you their mix. And, then we post the mix (from each group, so two per month) on our mix cd club blog, in zip file format. I think its a pretty awesome system.

In any case, here is my September Mix,(and subsequent post about my mix). Take a lil listen, and I hope you are pleasantly surprised. I'm quite pleased.

1 comment:

kt said...

Horray, just what I needed!