Sunday, August 14, 2005

rambo, mexican art galleries, and penguin nail files.

my oh my. what a weekend.
(I feel that most of my sunday or monday posts say that. I need to CHILL OUT on the weekends.)

the rambo party was a success. it was a strange mix of friends, lovers, and strangers. I was given a beautiful vintage copy of the "Wind and the Willows" by a boy I am just getting to know, and I must say, he got a lot of cool points for that move. An old flame (Canuck) got really really drunk and told me (among a number of things) that I have attractive toes and breasts. The birthday boy got soused and had to be tucked into bed early. Rambo shoots people with arrows and they combust. I wore camo with a wifebeater and red heels. it was pretty hot. Matt the ex said not-so-nice things about me to Linda and (almost) ruined the spirit of the evening. lucky for him, my value does not lie in the opinions of past flings. phew.

saturday was spent sleeping (in Jen and Shant's marriage bed. creepy), shopping, and preparing for the next party: the matt art opening/gathering at the matzoh loft. oh, and I watched two documentaries and did laundry.

matt's opening was great. it was a huge piece that looks something akin to a trashy wall in ny/europe that has poster after poster plastered to it and they are starting to peel off and look really trashy but fantastic. the gallery was in mexico (ok, a really crappy part of downtown LA, but for all intensive purposes we were in mexico) and had free MGD and Tecate. there were a lot of our friends there and I wore my new vintage dress. I was totally overdressed for the occasion and I didn't mind it one bit.

then, my friends all came over to our place and we drank wine and ate cheesecake and listened to jazz and there were candles lit and a lot of people I love in one room, and it was great. really great. Becca got me a penguin pen and nail file from Sea World, and Linda and Becca gave me a big ole gift certificate to Target so I can get the new Simpsons DVD. erica and cameron gave me really cool candle holders and earrings. we toasted over peach champagne. it wasn't even supposed to be a party for me or my birthday -- I just wanted to have my friends over and it seemed like the right time.

so, thank you friends, for making this a delightful pre-birthday weekend. and myste, I missed your presence, but understand the art hanging/phil's parent's hold ups -- so I will just see you Monday.


ms. tea said...

i do so wish i could have been there. i owe you a champagne toast!

KMOB said...

what i think you meant to say in your post was "for all intents and purposes" it was either that or, "matt o'brien is the hottest boy evar!" but i think it was the first one....

Anonymous said...

man, do I feel sheepish.
I am usually the grammar queen, but for some reason, I mistook this commonly used phrase for something quite wrong.

thanks for correcting me (OMG! matt is the hottest boy ever!!!)

Matt Pool said...

radical! hey feliz cumpleanos manana my friend if my spanish spelling is correct. next year can still technically be a crime of the quarter of a century, and it should happen.

ms. tea said...

happy happy birthday! oh and i used to think it was "for all intensive purposes" for a long time, until i saw the phrase written the right way once and i was like "ah, that makes more sense"