Monday, November 28, 2005

I've had some time to think about you.

I've listened to this song by Patty Griffin non-stop lately.
it says "I've had some time to think about you on the long ride home".
the song sounds very sad, and it makes me sad. I feel nostalgic, but i only heard the song a month ago, so I don't know why it makes me feel that way.

the point is, I have a long ride home every day.
and I have a lot of time to think and IT. and to think about him.
and to think about my friend the heroin addict, and moving to a new apartment, and selling my stuff, and roommate christmas, and my grandparents beliefs on tim robbins and communism, and job drama...

so, i don't normally like to subscribe to the idea of a theme song.
but if I was going to have one, I suppose this would be it.


danielle said...

trader joe's is just not worth going to if they don't sell diet coke. i started a new blog, linds. keep it on the D.L.

Linna said...

I cried when I heard that song on the mix. It hit home....literally as I was driving home!

lindsay anne said...

yeah, i knew that one would be a crier. :-)