Monday, November 07, 2005

wining and wooing and whining

went to three shows this weekend. fri, sat, sun.
each night, a different band from my label was performing somewhere in los angeles.
it was my task to woo them.
I wined them, I dined them.
I assured them that they were safe in the sidecho fold.
and now its monday and I am back at work.
but I feel that I never really left work.
I never really took off my sidecho shoes (if you will...and I do...)
and I think its safe to say that I am all show-ed out.
but then I will be at the detroit bar tonight.
I'm just that crrrrazy.


rebecca said...

When shit hits the fan does it splatter or spray?

lindsay anne said...

i don't know, all I can think about is that awful peter jackson movie brad showed at the pumpkin waffle party. so I'd say it splatters.