Tuesday, November 15, 2005

you can't always get what you want...

but sometimes I think that I can get whatever I want just by working hard.
or waiting a really long time.


noah! said...

i didn't realize you worked for sidecho. my roommate is the concerts intern at apu and he had sherwood play here about a month ago. i wonder if you talked to him.

KAMN! said...

hey lindsay: can you get me tickets to some rocketboy lovesummer shows?

lindsay anne said...

yes, I went to that show at azuza. and I think I saw your roommate there. but I didn't set the show up or talk to him or anything. it was a good show -- sherwood is the best.

lindsay anne said...

kamn. I don't even know what you're talking about. but the moral of the story is that you can always get what you want. I think.