Thursday, April 06, 2006

guilty confessions ( a new blog series? )

Guilty Confession #1:

I really enjoy the new Watashi Wa album.

like, a lot.


Do you remember when I said...

Really? You're going to start your guilty confessions with that? How about the time you killed that little kid? Huh? Guiltly Confessions. How 'bout that time? ...Watashit Wa-tever... Let's get serious.

Hi Linds.

lindsay anne said...

gosh, I miss you.
and I have so much to tell.
you should try emailing me or something, you pansy.

danielle said...

what has militia done to you? it's like we are back in the agnes united days. i just bought ska-checkered shoes.

Linna said...

I just had this flash back to Tom Fest and buying my punk loves songs compilation with watushi wa (?) headlining 3 of the 20 spastic gushings of lonely teenagers.

you are what you eat....
or rather
you are what you hear :)

lindsay anne said...

well, in my defense, it sounds nothing like the early Watashi Wa. its not punk or anything at all. its just GOOD.