Sunday, April 23, 2006

its a nice day.

I don't have much of anything to 'report', but it does seem a good day for writing.
The coffee shop I am sitting in currently is filled to the brim with other 'lazy sunday' types. I am sitting in very close quarters with an elderly gentelman who is scribbling notes on a yellow steno pad. He insists on engaging with me in akward conversation and I have humored him by taking out my earphones (although this means that Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is no longer the soundtrack to my blogging). In fact, the nice old man's most recent comment to me was his expression of surpsise about the speed in which I type. Wait, no, now he's asking me questions about computers in general. I don't think he's heard of the concept of wireless internet before. I will enjoy the akward conversation because he is a cute old man, and afterall, what am I actually doing currently? Nothing. That's the beauty of a lazy sunday.

My goodness. I wish I could describe to you the genius of this man. He's already expressed his disdain for rappers, communists, and democrats. And, come to find out, he is a landlord. That is his profession. He seems to approve of my profession, though I didn't bother trying to explain that I am an in house booking agent. I just said that I work at a record label - to which he repllied: "oh Classical? or jazz?". I told him, that no, we have pop and rock music, to which he then said: "Oh well, you don't have any of that rap music I hope! You wouldn't want any of those hoodlums hanging around."


Thankfully, for the sake of myself and my current conversation, we do not have any of "that" rap music. I have garnered his seal of approval.

And, now, Ron (as I just learned he is called) is off to get a sandwich. We wished each other the best of luck, though Ron said I hardly need luck. I hope to see Ron here again soon.

1 comment:

rosie said...

The old people kill me! You can sit for 5 minutes with my grandma and learn a wealth of these type of facts, her and Ron should meet.