Thursday, May 12, 2005

12:18 pm is my magic time

I just noticed that I posted on May 10 and 11 at exactly 12:18 p.m. Uncanny...

In other news: I am a failure of a booking agent (we're cancelling half of Careen's tour), I have not heard back from the William Morris Agency, I had a turkey/avocado/cream cheese bagel and PBR for lunch, and my bladder is seemingly overactive today (I pee every 45 minutes or so. Does that mean I'm dying? Or diabetic? That's what happened to Stacey in the Babysitter's Club).

Maybe if I had a love life I'd have something to write about othen than my lunch choices and the babysitters club? But, for now, sit back...relax...and let me write about petty things.

Thank you,
The management


Do you remember when I said...

That was a good post. That's what posts are supposed to look like. Very Text Book. Good job.

ms. tea said...

petty? i have a love life and all i post about are politics, news, and the latest blogspot quiz. one need not post about a significant other in order to be interesting.

i find your blog interesting and entertaining, keep it up. cheerio!