Monday, June 06, 2005

the answer, my friend...

is blowing in the wind.
and the wind chimes sound lovely but my circuation is poor and my ankles can't stand this weather.

so, two bits of relatively exciting news:

1. Tiffany goes to rehab on Wednesday. Lindsay: welcome to life as a full-time mother. This terrifies me to no end, but it is so much better than having Tiffany try to take care of herself and Taylor.

2. William Morris Agency FINALLY called me and offered me a job. The only problem is that I am now a full-time mother until the 21st. They may (or may not) wait for me to come back, but they seem to have positions open up all the time. I will call them tomorrow and see if I can work a miracle.


ms. tea said...

thats so great! good luck with william morris

Linna said...

i bought you a soccer mom sticker for your passat. hope you like it.

lindsay anne said...

just go ahead and slap that sticker on my car.

(oh, but Taylor doesn't play soccer)

KMOB said...

update you freak! i gotta know about willy mo!

lindsay anne said...

so I called "willy mo" yesterday and had a lovely conversation -- essentially I just have to call them when I get back and see what they've got open. but they like me. so that's good.