Tuesday, June 21, 2005

oh...I almost forgot...
congrats erica and cameron!
let's have a marriage!


rebecca said...

lets have a birth!... when are all these married types going to get busy.. i think it would be cool to see a wee one.. as long as it's not mine. i like babies, cute ones.

lindsay anne said...

um, yeah. that's why I brought the embryo napkids last night.

ms. tea said...

the second one of my friends pops one out is the second i move out of the country. i cant handle the idea of it, its too surreal.

ok that was too harsh, i would be very happy for said friend but i know it will change the dynamic of all of our friendships and that scares me. eek.

"do you realize you have a teeny-tiny penis growing inside you right now? its so sci-fi"