Monday, June 13, 2005

a brief overview of the weekend

Friday, 5:00 pm: Taylor's Dad picks her up for the weekend
Friday, 5:05 pm: I leave to go pick up a friend and head into Portland
Friday, 6:30 pm: Sushi in Portland with my sister and friends
Friday, 7:30 pm: Billy Joel Musical, "Movin' Out" (it sucked. but what do you expect? It's BILLY JOEL)
Friday, 11:00 pm: Coffee and Chocolate S&M Cake at the Pied Cow

Saturday, 11:00 am: Watch a bit of the Rose Parade with my sisters. Highlights: Nancy Cartwright (The voice of Bart Simpson) on the Church of Scientology Float and the lead singer of TOTO lipsynking the "Out of Africa" song.
Saturday, 12:00 pm: 2 cups of coffee and some JD Salinger at Stumptown (their house coffee is brewed by French Press only)
Saturday, 1:30 pm: Rendezvous with old buddy Kevin Davis (the crush from my most embarassing moments, actually) at his apartment on 23rd.
Satruday, 3:00 pm: Meet up with Seattle Nick for Record Store shopping. Specifically looking for Neil Young and The Walkmen - come away with Rattle and Hum (it was 5 bucks and why don't I own it already?)
Saturday, 7:00 pm: Dinner at Nicholas' Lebanese Restaurant. Hummus, Kebabs, the whole nine yards.
Saturday, 9:00 pm: Crystal Skulls and Headphones (new David Bazan project) show. Gin and Tonics are 3.50.

So, I'd say I made a pretty good run at it for my 36 hours of freedom.

I took Taylor to see her mom in rehab yesterday (2 hour drive each way). That was rough. Tiffany tried to get me to take her back home, but there was no way in hell I was about to let that happen. 4 days in and she thinks she's "suffered" enough. I told her that 90 days without Taylor is nothing compared to a whole life of misery. Let's hope she sticks it out.


Anonymous said...

since i have no discernable way of giving you advice or encouragement about the amazing things you are doing for that family, i will simply tell you to rely on the grace of Christ to sustain you, and proceed to do something i am capable of, which is tell you in order, which neil young albums to own:

1. zuma
2. harvest
3. after the gold rush
4. rust never sleeps
5. on the beach
6. trans

with that you should survive. 4 and 5 are a hard call, but "rust" wins for powderfinger. you can procure most of this on for 5 bucks.

you are a wonderful human being.

Linna said...

breaking my day down (in increments of time) would be both short and depressing...thanks for letting me live vicariously through your selfless adventures.

lindsay anne said...

cam! so lovely to hear from you via bloggerdom...

does Silver and Gold just suck? out of curiosity? After the Gold Rush was what I was looking for...

thanks for your recommendations. I will start on those RIGHT AWAY.

ms. tea said...

90 days? has your time with taylor grown exponentially? will you be up there for 3 months instead of 1?

lindsay anne said...

she's in rehab for 90 days -- but I am only here till the 21st. I said I could give a month, so that's what I'm doing.