Tuesday, June 14, 2005

top 3's

most recent CD's I've purchased:
1. U2 - Rattle and Hum
2. Coldplay - X & Y
3. Bob Dylan - Best of Bob Dylan Vol. 1

most recent DVD purchases:
1. I Heart Huckabees
2. Hotel Rwanda
3. Garden State (it was a toss up on the last one, but it was a Hollywood Video 3 for $25 and I really wanted the first two)
4. Goodbye Lenin! (I had to include this because it was such a good purchase.)

last 3 movies I saw in the theater
1. Madagascar (Ali G does the voice for the king of the lemurs and it is amazing)
2. Lords of Dogtown
3. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

top 3 summer blockbusters I will indefinitely waste my money on:
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2. Batman Begins
3. War of the Worlds (Its debatable if I will actually see this)

top 3 children's shows which should be banned from TV for reasons of pure stupidity and extreme annoyance:
1. That's SO Raven
2. Higgly Town Heroes
3. Fairly Odd Parents

3 books I'm reading:
1. Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger
2. Safe People (don't remember who its by. Townsend? some Christian person. my mom gave it to be mecause of my dating habits.)
3. Chronicles, Bob Dylan

that's all I got.


Anonymous said...

most recent CD's I've purchased:
ok, it's been a REALLY long time since I have had extra money to buy music...just keep that in mind

1. Dashboard confessional
2. Dave Matthews, the solo album
3. Jimmy Eat World--Do you still feel the butterflies

most recent DVD purchases: I should be just doing this as the dvd's and cd's that I wish I had money to purchase....but, oh well
1. Anchorman...that was for Jim
2. Garden State
3. Napoleon Dynamite

last 3 movies I saw in the theater...I can't participate....it's been toooooo long!!!!! Man....being poor stinks...ok, I will do, last 3 movies I rented
1. Hotel Ruwanda
2. Amelie
3. Finding Neverland

top 3 summer blockbusters I will indefinitely waste my money on...If hayden will go to a baby-sitter...:
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2. the fantastic four
3. War of the Worlds or batman begins (Its debatable if I will actually see this) the only one I really want to see in the theatre is willy wonka

top 3 children's shows which should be banned from TV for reasons of pure stupidity and extreme annoyance:

I don't know any....man, I'm not very good at this

3 books I'm reading:
1. Power of a Praying wife
2. Men are from mars...
3. 227 ways to unleash the sex goddess within...

that's all I got.

Linna said...

most recent CD's I've purchased:
1. ambulance LTD - self titled
2. stars - set yourself on fire
3. muse - abolition
most recent DVD purchases: (this is hard cause i dont buy dvds cause i am dumb and spend my money on music and beer and birthdays)
1. amelie
2. moulin rouge
i think that is all i have bought

last 3 movies I saw in the theater
1. star wars: episode 3
2. crash
3. kingdom of heaven

top 3 summer blockbusters I will indefinitely waste my money on:
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2. Batman Begins
3. Bewitched

top 3 children's shows which should be banned from TV for reasons of pure stupidity and extreme annoyance:
no clue but I watched some crazy ass anime last night....

3 books I'm reading:
1. mere christianity
2. till we have faces
3. Cash

ms. tea said...

yeah i'm gonna go ahead and post my answers on my blog cause i'm not clever enough to think of something good to write today. so much for that award.

Anonymous said...

I am changing my summer movie answer, because I forgot about bewitched. I definitely want to see that. I am a huge fan of that show. secondly, I have an infant, and we are broke, so I am sure I won't be able to see either of these but if I could, I would see willy wonka and bewitched. ok, enough of that.